- [0: 1.197848] ifconn_get_jig_status: PDIC Mode
- [0: 1.197851] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: read RID start!
- [0: 1.197964] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: RID = 7
- [0: 1.197968] (RID_OPEN)
- [0: 1.197970] ifconn_is_pdic_jig_device: rid=07
- [0: 1.198200] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x48b4
- [0: 1.198206] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_vcell: vbat result 0x48b4:(4407)
- [0: 1.198211] sm5714_init_fuel_gauge: VCELL(4407)
- [0: 1.198442] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x0a4e
- [0: 1.198575] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[10]:0x1010
- [0: 1.198708] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[22]:0xe076
- [0: 1.198713] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_current: current result 0xa4e:(1290)
- [0: 1.198717] sm5714_init_fuel_gauge: CURRENT(1290)
- [0: 1.198947] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x22bc
- [0: 1.198951] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_ocv: ocv result 0x22bc:(4341)
- [0: 1.198956] sm5714_init_fuel_gauge: OCV(4341)
- [0: 1.199187] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x6264
- [0: 1.199192] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_soc: soc result 0x6264:(98.3)
- [0: 1.199197] sm5714_init_fuel_gauge: SOC(98)
- [0: 1.199854] S2MPU13 GP-ADC GPADC_EN: clear
- [0: 1.200658] S2MPU13 GP-ADC GPADC_EN: clear
- [0: 1.201461] S2MPU13 GP-ADC GPADC_EN: clear
- [0: 1.202265] S2MPU13 GP-ADC GPADC_EN: clear
- [0: 1.203070] S2MPU13 GP-ADC GPADC_EN: clear
- [0: 1.203224] sm5714_adc_read_temp: ch = 2, temp = 38, temp_adc = 1487
- [0: 1.203232] sm5714_set_charger_state: (1, 1)
- [0: 1.203419] sm5714_set_buck_enable: CNTL2(0x05->0x05)
- [0: 1.203605] sm5714_set_charge_enable: CNTL1=0x6c
- [0: 1.203675] ITMON: irq90 - BUS_DATA0 / Enabled Success
- [0: 1.203681] ITMON: irq338 - BUS_DATA1 / Enabled Success
- [0: 1.203686] ITMON: irq506 - BUS_DATA2 / Enabled Success
- [0: 1.203691] ITMON: irq504 - BUS_DATA3 / Enabled Success
- [0: 1.203696] ITMON: irq505 - BUS_PERI0 / Enabled Success
- [0: 1.203754] ITMON: success to keep the shared data
- [0: 1.203756] ITMON: success to probe Exynos ITMON driver
- [0: 1.203986] register_panel: panel nt36672c_m33x_00_temporary registered!
- [0: 1.203992] register_panel: panel nt36672c_m33x_01_temporary registered!
- [0: 1.204045] FLEXPMU-DBG: CLUSTER0_CPU0_STATES - 0x10
- [0: 1.204050] FLEXPMU-DBG: CLUSTER0_CPU1_STATES - 0x10
- [0: 1.204054] FLEXPMU-DBG: CLUSTER0_CPU2_STATES - 0x10
- [0: 1.204058] FLEXPMU-DBG: CLUSTER0_CPU3_STATES - 0x10
- [0: 1.204062] FLEXPMU-DBG: CLUSTER0_CPU4_STATES - 0x10
- [0: 1.204067] FLEXPMU-DBG: CLUSTER0_CPU5_STATES - 0x10
- [0: 1.204072] FLEXPMU-DBG: CLUSTER0_NONCPU_STATES - 0x10
- [0: 1.204076] FLEXPMU-DBG: CLUSTER1_CPU0_STATES - 0x10
- [0: 1.204081] FLEXPMU-DBG: CLUSTER1_CPU1_STATES - 0x10
- [0: 1.204085] FLEXPMU-DBG: CLUSTER1_NONCPU_STATES - 0x10
- [0: 1.204089] FLEXPMU-DBG: CP_STATES - 0x0
- [0: 1.204093] FLEXPMU-DBG: MIF_STATES - 0x0
- [0: 1.204098] FLEXPMU-DBG: GNSS_STATES - 0x0
- [0: 1.204102] FLEXPMU-DBG: WLBT_STATES - 0x10
- [0: 1.204106] FLEXPMU-DBG: WLBT_WL_STATES - 0x0
- [0: 1.204111] FLEXPMU-DBG: WLBT_BT_STATES - 0x0
- [0: 1.204115] FLEXPMU-DBG: TOP_STATES - 0x0
- [0: 1.204121]
- [0: 1.204123] pd_aud - 0x80 pd_chubvts - 0x10 pd_chub - 0x10 pd_vts - 0x80
- [0: 1.204142] pd_csis - 0x80 pd_dpu - 0x10 pd_m2m - 0x80 pd_g3d - 0x80
- [0: 1.204163] pd_mcsc - 0x80 pd_mfc - 0x80 pd_npu0 - 0x80 pd_npus - 0x80
- [0: 1.204184] pd_taa - 0x80 pd_tnr - 0x80 pd_usb - 0x10 vts_cpu_states - 0x80
- [0: 1.204203] chub_cpu_states - 0x10
- [0: 1.204207]
- [0: 1.204223] FLEXPMU-DBG: MIF_SEQ_TOTAL_COUNT - 0
- [0: 1.204231] FLEXPMU-DBG: MIF_SLEEP_SEQ_COUNT - 0
- [0: 1.204239] FLEXPMU-DBG: MIF_SICD_SEQ_COUNT - 0
- [0: 1.204245] FLEXPMU-DBG: DSUPD_COUNT - 0
- [0: 1.204249] FLEXPMU-DBG: NO POWER MODE
- [0: 1.204253] FLEXPMU-DBG: CPU_SEQ_STATUS - cpu0:on, cpu1:on, cpu2:on, cpu3:on, cpu4:on, cpu5:on, cpu6:on, cpu7:on
- [0: 1.204273] get_boot_device() == BOOT_UFS
- [0: 1.204297] UFS EVT version 0
- [0: 1.204578] [LDO27M] val=000000ec, [LDO24S] val=000000ee
- [0: 1.204587] ufs0
- [0: 1.204589] caps(0x0x13500000) 0x1383ff1f
- [0: 1.204593] ver(0x0x13500008) 0x00000300
- [0: 1.204598] PID(0x0x13500010) 0x00000106
- [0: 1.204604] MID(0x0x13500014) 0x000001ce
- [0: 1.204894] [LDO27M] val=000000ec, [LDO24S] val=000000ee
- [0: 1.220496] ufs max_gear(3)
- [0: 1.220505] UFS link established
- [0: 1.220512] UFS active_tx_lane(1), active_rx_lane(1)
- [0: 1.262175] UFS device initialized
- [0: 1.262734] UFS ref clk setting is 1
- [0: 1.263675] UFS active_tx_lane(1), active_rx_lane(1)
- [0: 1.263681] UFS Power mode change: M(1)G(3)L(1)HS-series(2)
- [0: 1.263769]
- [0: 1.263772] UFS device wSpecVersion: 0x0220
- [0: 1.263776] UFS device bFFUTimeout: 0x00000001, but use 120000000
- [0: 1.263782] device bLength: 0x005f
- [0: 1.263786] device bNumberLU: 0x0005
- [0: 1.263790] device bBootEnable: 0x0001
- [0: 1.263794] device wManufacturerID: 0x01ce
- [0: 1.263798] device bUD0BaseOffset: 0x0016
- [0: 1.263801] device bUDConfigPlength: 0x001a
- [0: 1.263805] device dNumSharedWriteBoosterBufferAllocUnits: 0x00000000
- [0: 1.263832] UFS supports WB feature, 0x1010000
- [0: 1.263895] Boot LUN is #1, bBootLunID:1
- [0: 1.264113] [SCSI] LU0 SAMSUNG KM2L9001CM-B518 0002 31233024
- [0: 1.264118] > Block count = 31233024
- [0: 1.264187] [SCSI] LU1 SAMSUNG KM2L9001CM-B518 0002 1024
- [0: 1.264192] > Block count = 1024
- [0: 1.264257] [SCSI] LU2 SAMSUNG KM2L9001CM-B518 0002 1024
- [0: 1.264262] > Block count = 1024
- [0: 1.264328] [SCSI] LU3 SAMSUNG KM2L9001CM-B518 0002 2048
- [0: 1.264333] > Block count = 2048
- [0: 1.264398] [SCSI] LU4 SAMSUNG KM2L9001CM-B518 0002 5120
- [0: 1.264404] > Block count = 5120
- [0: 1.264450] [SCSI] LU68 SAMSUNG KM2L9001CM-B518 0002
- [0: 1.264542] UFS vendor = SAMSUNG
- [0: 1.264545] UFS FW ver = 0002
- [0: 1.264551] UFS Product KM2L9001CM-B518
- [0: 1.264554] UFS Size(GB) 128
- [0: 1.264557] UFS MD 0622
- [0: 1.264650] UFS supports TW feature, 0x1010000
- [0: 1.264657] UFS Provision : PASS
- [0: 1.281064] UFS LC: 0
- [0: 1.291164] UFS description config is Unlocked
- [0: 1.291191] SCSI swp check : 0x8
- [0: 1.291194] Clear UFS Boot LUs SWP.
- [0: 1.291221] SCSI swp check : 0x8
- [0: 1.291445] UFS LU1 SWP clear success
- [0: 1.291471] SCSI swp check : 0x8
- [0: 1.295251] UFS LU2 SWP clear success
- [0: 1.295277] SCSI swp check : 0x8
- [0: 1.295498] UFS LU3 SWP clear success
- [0: 1.295524] SCSI swp check : 0x8
- [0: 1.295746] UFS LU4 SWP clear success
- [0: 1.295835] UFS supports TW feature, 0x1010000
- [0: 1.295839] UFS Provision : PASS
- [0: 1.296718] GetSignerVer : SignerVer03
- [0: 1.296724] Verify_Signature_Ecdsa 0xf92fc0c0 7148, 0xf92fda9c 512
- [0: 1.309178] check_signature (PIT) valid.
- [0: 1.309708] PARAM ENV VERSION: v1.0..
- [0: 1.309718] [BRST] verify_early_bore: early bore is not initialized (magic: 0 -> b0071257)
- [0: 1.317908] [DPRM] get_dbgprm_uint: get_dbgprm_uint: debug param is not ready
- [0: 1.319331] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x48b4
- [0: 1.319335] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_vcell: vbat sram read result 0x48b4
- [0: 1.319339] ifconn_get_jig_status: PDIC Mode
- [0: 1.319343] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: read RID start!
- [0: 1.319456] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: RID = 7
- [0: 1.319460] (RID_OPEN)
- [0: 1.319462] ifconn_is_pdic_jig_device: rid=07
- [0: 1.319694] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x48b4
- [0: 1.319699] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_vcell: vbat result 0x48b4:(4407)
- [0: 1.319931] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x6264
- [0: 1.319937] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_soc: soc result 0x6264:(98.3)
- [0: 1.325916] S2MPU13 GP-ADC GPADC_EN: clear
- [0: 1.326721] S2MPU13 GP-ADC GPADC_EN: clear
- [0: 1.327525] S2MPU13 GP-ADC GPADC_EN: clear
- [0: 1.328330] S2MPU13 GP-ADC GPADC_EN: clear
- [0: 1.329133] S2MPU13 GP-ADC GPADC_EN: clear
- [0: 1.329285] sm5714_adc_read_temp: ch = 2, temp = 38, temp_adc = 1487
- [0: 1.330708]
- [0: 1.330711] Checking DRAM training data
- [0: 1.330715] ACPM magic code: 0xAC8338A9
- [0: 1.330719] Write magic code: 0xF67038A9
- [0: 1.330724]
- [0: 1.332029] Secure boot is enabled (secure chip)
- [0: 1.332036] [Watchdog] watchdog cl0 start, count = 1efe92, timeout = 10
- [0: 1.332041] [Watchdog] timeout=10, divisor=31, count=2031250 (0000fff5)
- [0: 1.332054] [Watchdog] PMU setting complete - disable
- [0: 1.332063] [Watchdog] Watchdog cluster 0 stop done, WTCON = 11e00
- [0: 1.332073] [Watchdog] PMU setting complete - enable
- [0: 1.332081] [Watchdog] Watchdog cluster 0 start, WTCON = 11e39
- [0: 1.333317] KEYSTORAGE: read whole partition from the storage
- [0: 1.348689] keystorage: It is successfully loaded.
- [0: 1.348718] keystorage: init done successfully.
- [0: 1.350869] SSP: read whole partition from the storage
- [0: 1.350916] ssp: loading fail, ret = [0xFDAA0042]
- [0: 1.350919] ssp: init failed.
- [0: 1.350923] ldfw: booting device is UFS.
- [0: 1.373425] LDFW: read whole partition from the storage
- [0: 1.373429] ldfw: 0th ldfw's version 0x60211214 name : CryptoManagerV60
- [0: 1.373434] ldfw: 1th ldfw's version 0x20211201 name : fmp_fw_V20
- [0: 1.373438] ldfw: 2th ldfw's version 0x20220105 name : drm_fw
- [0: 1.373443] ldfw: 3th ldfw's version 0x24211118 name : srpmb_fw
- [0: 1.373448] ldfw: 4th ldfw's version 0x20211201 name : hdcp_fw
- [0: 1.373452] ldfw: 5th ldfw's version 0x20150828 name : tail_fw
- [0: 1.373457] GetSignerVer : SignerVer03
- [0: 1.373462] ldfw: M336BXXU3AVGA
- [0: 1.373465] ldfw: init ldfw(s). whole ldfws size 0x3fc000
- [0: 1.451360] ldfw: try to init 5 ldfw(s). except 0 ldfw 5 ldfw(s) have been inited done.
- [0: 1.451372] ldfw: init done successfully.
- [0: 1.451376] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 1.451428] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 1.451761] RPMB: key already programmed
- [0: 1.451864] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 1.451905] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 1.452465] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 1.452501] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 1.452673] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 1.452708] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 1.452870] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 1.452905] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 1.453072] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 1.453106] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 1.453269] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 1.453303] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 1.453469] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 1.453503] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 1.453669] RPMB: rpmb_load_boot_table success
- [0: 1.453674] [KG] get_KG_flag_v2 init
- [0: 1.453678] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 1.453712] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 1.453883] [KG] state value : 0
- [0: 1.457509] TZSW: read whole partition from the storage
- [0: 1.457516] GetSignerVer : SignerVer03
- [0: 1.457519] spayload: M336BXXU3AVGA
- [0: 1.513543] spayload: It is successfully loaded.
- [0: 1.532926] TZAR: read whole partition from the storage
- [0: 1.537737] secure_payload: init done successfully.
- [0: 1.541446] [Watchdog] PMU setting complete - disable
- [0: 1.541455] [Watchdog] Watchdog cluster 0 stop done, WTCON = 11e18
- [0: 1.541517]
- [0: 1.541519] EL3 Monitor information:
- [0: 1.541521] COMMIT : 1a4290f 5aa5ba0 88540c8 10022e9 fd495dd eb67ff0 53df1f4 d608503 a6f0578 73effa4 28701e1 93189fb 3360058 4e529d2 04d5e4a 0ff951f 2fa465a c9620b9 UID : swp Build_time : 10:58:51, Mar 7 2022ABC
- [0: 1.541525]
- [0: 1.541528] ACPM: Framework's version is 9 Dec 14 2021
- [0: 1.541537] ACPM: Plugin(id:1) version is 3ce37f0 youm 13:08:40 Dec 14 2021
- [0: 1.541552] ACPM: Plugin(id:2) version is 49dcc6b kitak 15:38:17 Dec 17 2021
- [0: 1.541567] ACPM: Plugin(id:3) version is 05095fc3 seonghong 11:03:58 May 11 2021
- [0: 1.541583] ACPM: Plugin(id:4) version is 87b8bfaf joonki.min 14:21:45 Jan 10 2022
- [0: 1.541600] ACPM: Plugin(id:5) version is 15ce1ea youm 14:09:26 Jun 07 2022
- [0: 1.541616] ACPM: Plugin(id:6) version is 8e6cc8f youm 10:32:33 Mar 03 2022
- [0: 1.541631] ACPM: Plugin(id:7) version is e39d2fb swon.lee 18:10:23 Dec 28 2021
- [0: 1.541647] ACPM: Plugin(id:8) version is cc871067 manwoo.park 19:34:23 Apr 15 2022
- [0: 1.541662] ACPM: Plugin(id:9) version is 1ba7bc4 kyumin9.park 14:59:51 Sep 13 2021
- [0: 1.541679] ACPM: Plugin(id:10) version is
- [0: 1.542809] initialize_ddi_data: usable! (21:0x3f3), warranty reason : (0x0e03)
- [0: 1.542816] DDI debug logs : (104/2048)bytes
- [0: 1.542819] [EFUSE] Update RP 0x0->0x3(0x0,0x0,0x0,0x7)
- [EFUSE] Update done 0x3
- [EFUSE] Write done(ETC 15 bit): 0x1
- [0: 1.550679] [TEEGRIS] register handler1, ret = 0x0
- [0: 1.558571] [TEEGRIS] register handler2, ret = 0x0
- [0: 1.558584] [TEEGRIS] disable handler registeration, ret = 0x0
- [0: 1.558590] [OTP] MODEL_ID read start
- [0: 1.558735] [OTP] MODEL_ID read value: 0x188
- [0: 1.558740] [OTP] USE_ROM_SEC_BOOT_KEY read: start
- [0: 1.558879] [OTP] USE_ROM_SEC_BOOT_KEY read value: 0x1
- [0: 1.558882] [OTP] ENABLE_AES read start
- [0: 1.559019] [OTP] ENABLE_AES read value: 0x0
- [0: 1.559022] [OTP] ANTIRBK_NS_AP0 read start
- [0: 1.559549] [OTP] ANTIRBK_NS_AP0 read value: 0x3
- [0: 1.559553] [OTP] ANTIRBK_SEC_CP read start
- [0: 1.559689] [OTP] ANTIRBK_SEC_CP read value: 0x3
- [0: 1.559694] [OTP] COMMERCIAL read start
- [0: 1.559832] [OTP] COMMERCIAL read value: 0x1
- [0: 1.559836] [OTP] TEST read start
- [0: 1.559973] [OTP] TEST read value: 0x0
- [0: 1.559977] [OTP] WARRANTY read start
- [0: 1.560113] [OTP] WARRANTY read value: 0x1
- [0: 1.560116] [OTP] JTAG_SW_LOCK read start
- [0: 1.560253] [OTP] JTAG_SW_LOCK read value: 0x1
- [0: 1.560256] [OTP] ENABLE_MODEL_ID read start
- [0: 1.560393] [OTP] ENABLE_MODEL_ID read value: 0x1
- [0: 1.560396] [OTP] ENABLE_ANTIRBK read start
- [0: 1.560533] [OTP] ENABLE_ANTIRBK read value: 0x1
- [0: 1.560538] [OTP] ANTIRBK_SEC_AP read start
- [0: 1.560674] [OTP] ANTIRBK_SEC_AP read value: 0x3
- [0: 1.560677] [OTP] CUSTOM_FLAG read start
- [0: 1.560817] [OTP] CUSTOM_FLAG read value: 0x1
- [0: 1.560820] [OTP] CUSTOM_FLAG read start
- [0: 1.560956] [OTP] CUSTOM_FLAG read value: 0x1
- [0: 1.560959] [OTP] CUSTOM_FLAG read start
- [0: 1.561095] [OTP] CUSTOM_FLAG read value: 0x1
- [0: 1.561099] [OTP] CUSTOM_FLAG read start
- [0: 1.561235] [OTP] CUSTOM_FLAG read value: 0x0
- [0: 1.561238] [EFUSE] SMC Read the 0x0 ...
- [0: 1.561250] [EFUSE] SMC Read Count value: 3
- [0: 1.561254] [EFUSE] SMC Read the 0x1 ...
- [0: 1.561262] [EFUSE] SMC Read Count value: 1
- [0: 1.561266] [EFUSE] SMC Read the 0x2 ...
- [0: 1.561274] [EFUSE] SMC Read Count value: 0
- [0: 1.561279] [EFUSE] SMC Read the 0x3 ...
- [0: 1.561286] [EFUSE] SMC Read Count value: 1
- [0: 1.561441] [OTP] JTAG_KEY check start
- [0: 1.561467] [OTP] JTAG_KEY check: valid key
- [0: 1.561471] [OTP] ROM_SECURE_BOOT_KEY check start
- [0: 1.561491] [OTP] ROM_SECURE_BOOT_KEY check: valid key
- [0: 1.561495] fuse history 0x2
- [0: 1.561653] check_secure_ch_key_prov_flag : Flag is detected
- [0: 1.561661] check_secure_ch_key_prov_flag : cp_otp
- [0: 1.562088] [EFUSE] This is commercial device.
- [0: 1.562328] read_esi
- [0: 1.562989] [E]em_context_make_request:226 EM C/C : 00000019/00000000
- [0: 1.563040] [E]em_context_make_request:327
- [0: 1.563045] [E]em_cmd_print:411 EM_CMD_INIT
- [0: 1.563049] [I]em_cmd_set_version:111 EM version is 20
- [0: 1.563056] [CM] START: unwrap data with HWKEK
- [0: 1.563064] [CM] wrap/unwrap key: start
- [0: 1.563109] [CM] wrap/unwrap key: success
- [0: 1.563114] [CM] PASS: unwrap data with HWKEK
- [0: 1.563120] [I]em_cmd_pre_processing:222 pass verifing esi(0x00000019)
- [0: 1.563142] [I]em_init_v20:202 current status is COMPLETED, 05
- [0: 1.563149] [I]em_init_v20:326 init state is completed, pass
- [0: 1.563177] [E]em_cmd_post_processing:300 Validate!!
- [0: 1.563183] [E]em_context_make_response:476
- [0: 1.563402] read_token
- [0: 1.563809] [I]get_token_mode:310 Token doesn't exist
- [0: 1.564113] s2mpu13_check_current_key: val: 0x14 key(0): releasing
- [0: 1.564119] sbl_check_keypad: 0x0
- [0: 1.564125] sbl_check_reboot_mode: PINFORM = c8 ... sbl_check_reboot_mode: skip
- [0: 1.565642] set_mrstb: set_as LOW (C7)
- [0: 1.565787] s2mpu13_set_mrstb: CTRL1: 0x14
- [0: 1.565931] s2mpu13_set_wrstb: CTRL3: 0x04
- [0: 1.566179] CP Ver = M336BXXU3AVGA_22613558
- [0: 1.566183] DEBUG Level = LOW (0x0)
- [0: 1.566189] EVT 0.0
- [0: 1.566193] DRAM Manufacturer = Samsung
- [0: 1.566197] DRAM Process ver = UNW
- [0: 1.566200] DRAM Size = 6.000000GB
- [0: 1.566219] ========================================
- [0: 1.566225]
- [0: 1.566226] ### display_last_freq_volt:
- [0: 1.566230] [CPUCL1] req_freq: 2400000 applied_freq: 2400000 [Mhz], volt: 1068750 [uV]
- [0: 1.566236] [G3D] req_freq: 104000 applied_freq: 104000 [Mhz], volt: 512500 [uV]
- [0: 1.566241] [CPUCL0] req_freq: 2002000 applied_freq: 2002000 [Mhz], volt: 1075000 [uV]
- [0: 1.566247] [ISP] req_freq: 50000 applied_freq: 50000 [Mhz], volt: 587500 [uV]
- [0: 1.566252] [NPU] req_freq: 0 applied_freq: 0 [Mhz], volt: 606250 [uV]
- [0: 1.566257] [MIF] req_freq: 2093000 applied_freq: 2093000 [Mhz], volt: 775000 [uV]
- [0: 1.566263] [INT] req_freq: 266000 applied_freq: 266000 [Mhz], volt: 775000 [uV]
- [0: 1.566268] [DISP] req_freq: 0 applied_freq: 0 [Mhz], volt: 775000 [uV]
- [0: 1.566273] [MFC] req_freq: 50000 applied_freq: 50000 [Mhz], volt: 775000 [uV]
- [0: 1.566278] [DSU] req_freq: 1632000 applied_freq: 1632000 [Mhz], volt: 1075000 [uV]
- [0: 1.566283] [CAM] req_freq: 50000 applied_freq: 50000 [Mhz], volt: 587500 [uV]
- [0: 1.566289] [AUD] req_freq: 100000 applied_freq: 100000 [Mhz], volt: 775000 [uV]
- [0: 1.566294] [CP] req_freq: 0 applied_freq: 0 [Mhz], volt: 775000 [uV]
- [0: 1.566299] [CP_CPU] req_freq: 0 applied_freq: 0 [Mhz], volt: 887500 [uV]
- [0: 1.566304] ========================================
- [0: 1.566307] ECT Version: PARA003k
- [0: 1.566310] Core stat at previous(IRAM)
- [0: 1.566313] Core0: Running (0x0)
- [0: 1.566317] Core1: Running (0x0)
- [0: 1.566321] Core2: Running (0x0)
- [0: 1.566325] Core3: Running (0x0)
- [0: 1.566329] Core4: Running (0x0)
- [0: 1.566333] Core5: Running (0x0)
- [0: 1.566337] Core6: Running (0x0)
- [0: 1.566340] Core7: Running (0x0)
- [0: 1.566344] Core stat at previous(KERNEL)
- [0: 1.566347] Core0: Dead/PANIC
- [0: 1.566351] Core1: Alive/PANIC
- [0: 1.566355] Core2: Dead/PANIC
- [0: 1.566359] Core3: Dead/PANIC
- [0: 1.566364] Core4: Dead/PANIC
- [0: 1.566369] Core5: Dead/PANIC
- [0: 1.566374] Core6: Dead/PANIC
- [0: 1.566379] Core7: Dead/PANIC
- [0: 1.567614] [DPRM] check_flash_boundary: 0: R: blkbase: 0 / blksize: 0
- [0: 1.567621] [DPRM] check_flash_boundary: offset: 0 / size: 1
- [0: 1.567625] [DPRM] check_flash_boundary: offset or size is too big, quit
- [0: 1.567629] [DPRM] dprm_read: fail
- [0: 1.567632] [DPRM] init_debug_param_element: DEBUG PARAM ELEM VERSION: 20110610
- [0: 1.567637] [DPRM] init_debug_part: (DPRT) BASE: f6d88 BLKNUM: 40000
- [0: 1.567642] [DPRT] init_debug_part_contents: start
- [0: 1.567647] [DPRT] is_header_okay: DEBUG PART: offset: 0
- [0: 1.567836] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_header: start
- [0: 1.568198] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_header: NR: 32, SZ: 28
- [0: 1.568202] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_header: Member: 400
- [0: 1.568206] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_header: Start: c00
- [0: 1.568209] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_members: start
- [0: 1.568213] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_members: offset 400, size 168
- [0: 1.568358] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_members: boot_reset: c00++80000 (e:0)
- [0: 1.568365] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_members: bore_dump: 80e00++7fe00 (e:0)
- [0: 1.568372] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_members: debug_history: 100e00++100000 (e:1)
- [0: 1.568378] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_members: dhst_dump: 201000++100000 (e:1)
- [0: 1.568384] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_members: eRR_p: 301200++100000 (e:1)
- [0: 1.568389] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_members: dram_train: 401400++100400 (e:0)
- [0: 1.568396] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_members: kmsg_logbuf: 501a00++2000400 (e:0)
- [0: 1.568402] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_members: data: 2502000++4000400 (e:1)
- [0: 1.568408] [DPRT] initialize_dprt_members: printk: 6502600++500000 (e:1)
- [0: 1.568771] [DPRT] add_debug_part_to_rdx: add whole debug part in RDX
- [0: 1.568774] [DPRT] dprt_add_rdx_dump: load storage dump entry from storage
- [0: 1.568990] [DPRT] dprt_add_rdx_dump: DebugPart: 0(d00800000000)++8000000
- [0: 1.568996] [DPRT] dprt_add_rdx_dump: found previous rdx entry: DebugPart, 0, update it
- [0: 1.569568] [DPRT] init_debug_part_contents: done
- [0: 1.569572] [DSOC] show_saved_ifpmic_state: not implemented
- [0: 1.569670] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 1.569714] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 1.570046] [SECD] set_sec_debug_stage: set as 0
- [0: 1.570052] [SECD] sdn_init: ver: 2
- [0: 1.570058] [SECD] sec_debug_gen3_init: 0: LOGBUF_MAP: 91201600+840
- [0: 1.570065] [SECD] sec_debug_gen3_init: 1: MEMTAB: 91202000+70
- [0: 1.570071] [SECD] sec_debug_gen3_init: 2 not used
- [0: 1.570076] [SECD] sec_debug_gen3_init: 3: KERNEL_CONSTANT: 91202200+118
- [0: 1.570083] [SECD] sec_debug_gen3_init: 4: TASK_STRUCT: 91202500+d8
- [0: 1.570088] [SECD] sec_debug_gen3_init: 5: SNAPSHOT: 91202700+840
- [0: 1.570094] [SECD] sec_debug_gen3_init: 6: SPINLOCK: 91203100+4c
- [0: 1.570100] [SECD] sec_debug_gen3_init: 7: KERNEL_DATA: 91203300+180
- [0: 1.570106] [SECD] sec_debug_gen3_init: 8: AUTO_COMMENT: 91203600+a128
- [0: 1.570113] [SECD] sec_debug_gen3_init: 9: EXTRA_INFO: 9120d900+110
- [0: 1.570118] [SECD] sec_debug_gen3_init: done
- [0: 1.570121] [SECD] sdn_init: Ver: 2 B: 30002 K: 10011002
- [0: 1.570128] [8825] sec_debug_check_magic: 0: c3a50421 (c3a50421, e2b42021)
- [0: 1.570134] [8825] sec_debug_check_magic: 1: e2b42021 (c3a50421, e2b42021)
- [0: 1.570139] [SECD] sec_debug_init_buffer: 91200000 ~ 9120dd00
- [0: 1.570147] [SECD] sec_debug_clear_logbuf_index: 800
- [0: 1.570154] [SECD] sec_debug_init_buffer_each: auto_comment: 0x9120de00 ~ 0x9120ed3c (clear)
- [0: 1.570163] [SECD] sec_debug_init_buffer_each: extra_info: 0x9120ef00 ~ 0x9122ef00
- [0: 1.570172] [8825] handle_acpm_dump: acpm_dump: base: 90014000 size: 3d000
- [0: 1.570178] [SECD] sec_debug_init_buffer: End of SDN dump: 9122ef00 (91400000)
- [0: 1.570182] [8825] sec_debug_check_magic: 0: c3a50421 (c3a50421, e2b42021)
- [0: 1.570245] [MTAB] dump_invalid_mtab_members: FAILED: task_struct_se__ftt_mark,task_struct_rt__avg__load_avg,task_struct_rt__avg__util_avg,task_struct_cpus_allowed,raw_spinlock_owner_cpu,raw_spinlock_owner,
- [0: 1.570252] [KSIF] sec_debug_next_ksyms_init: try to use kernel debugging symbol
- [0: 1.570258] version: 5.10.177-g47dcf40afc30
- [0: 1.570261] build info:
- [0: 1.570264] [KSIF] sec_debug_next_ksyms_init: debug_kinfo is available
- [0: 1.570268] [SECD] sec_debug_handle_partition: target_dprm_mask: 0
- [0: 1.570273] [SECD] sec_debug_verify_dprm_mask: dprm mask is init or corrupt (dprm mask: 0)
- [0: 1.570278] [BRST] setup_bore_offset: boot_reset debug partition offset: c00
- [0: 1.570438] [BRST] init_debug_bootloader_reset_logs: magic = b0071257 / version = 20220704 / total sz = 64200 / MAX = 800
- [0: 1.574092] [BRST] init_debug_bootloader_reset_logs: bore_cnt = 410
- [0: 1.574100] [SECD] sec_debug_work: --- let's burn ! ---
- [0: 1.574108] [RERE] show_reset_reason_rawdata: rst_stat: 0x40000000, inform2: 0x4E4E0000, inform3: 0xC8
- [0: 1.574126] [RERE] set_reset_reason: set_reset_reason: set RR_THIS as KP(4)
- [0: 1.574132] RESET CAUSE - kernel Panic
- [0: 1.574137] [SECD] set_sec_debug_stage: set as 2
- [0: 1.574141] [SECD] check_debug_flag: 1: DEBUG FLAG is NOTYET
- [0: 1.574743] [SECD] is_sec_debug_work_case: work from STAGE A (0)
- [0: 1.574748] [DPRT] initialize_sdg_data: sdg data offset: 2502000
- [0: 1.574752] [DPRT] is_header_okay: SDG DATA: offset: 2502000
- [0: 1.575292] [DPRT] erase_dprt_region: region: 2502000++4000400
- [0: 1.575298] [DPRM] dprm_erase: base: 119599 len: 4000
- [0: 1.587407] [DPRT] initialize_sdg_data: done (4 / 4502200 / 199019801970196| 19a)
- [0: 1.587418] [DHIS] setup_dhst_storage: debug_history debug partition offset: 100e00
- [0: 1.587652] [DHIS] init_debug_param_hist: magic 1f5f3e9f / version 20211216
- [0: 1.587657] [DHIS] init_debug_param_hist: index: 4
- [0: 1.587662] [DHIS] init_debug_param_hist: available (30/10/f3c00/400--f4000)
- [0: 1.588510] [DHIS] make_this_reset: K2101011430
- [0: 1.588515] [DHIS] update_total_rr: prev: K002D002S000P000
- [0: 1.588522] [DHIS] update_total_rr: K003D002S000P000
- [0: 1.589560] [DHIS] load_reset_counter: 64: p[0] is NULL,
- [0: 1.589566] [DHIS] load_reset_counter: TOTAL RSTCNT [5/index:4]: K210101142,D210101142,K210101142,D210101142,K2101011430,
- [0: 1.592871] [HDSS] get_last_item_from_looping: fail to get last item (freq[1]), reverse is detected 0 times
- [0: 1.592877] [HDSS] init_snapshot_kevent: [1] / 0xf171dc00 / 0xf171e800 / 0xf171dc00 (WRONG)
- [0: 1.593059] [HDSS] get_last_item_from_looping: fail to get last item (freq[6]), reverse is detected 0 times
- [0: 1.593065] [HDSS] init_snapshot_kevent: [6] / 0xf1721800 / 0xf1722400 / 0xf1721800 (WRONG)
- [0: 1.593107] [HDSS] get_last_item_from_looping: fail to get last item (freq[7]), reverse is detected 0 times
- [0: 1.593112] [HDSS] init_snapshot_kevent: [7] / 0xf1722400 / 0xf1723000 / 0xf1722400 (WRONG)
- [0: 1.593162] [HDSS] init_snapshot_kevent: empty [5]: break
- [0: 1.593178] [HDSS] debug_info_ss_item: freq: nr: 80 / size: 18 / total: 6000
- [0: 1.593184] [HDSS] debug_info_ss_item: base: 0xf171d000 / end: 0xf1723000 / last: 0xf171d888
- [0: 1.593311] [HDSS] init_snapshot_kevent_freq: get freq with per-soc func
- [0: 1.593398] [DCOM] get_backup_rst_stat: (RST: 40000000) / RST BK: 5f900d1f
- [0: 1.593410] [EXIN] sec_debug_set_extra_info_reset_status: 0x40000000/0x4E4E0000/0xC8
- [0: 1.594180] [EXIN] sec_debug_set_extra_info_rstcnt: RSTCNT: 5
- [0: 1.594207] [EXIN] sec_debug_print_bat: BAT 098/4406/0386/001318
- [0: 1.594226] [DCOM] sec_debug_rooting_info: ddi set and warranty unset
- [0: 1.594488] [DSOC] get_dssbus_addr: not implemented
- [0: 1.594496] [ANLS] check_run_condition: skip, upload is disabled
- [0: 1.594501] [USTR] init_upload_cause_buf: 0xf8ee6708++200
- [0: 1.595172] [COMM] sec_debug_auto_comment: base: 0x9120de00 RR: 4
- [0: 1.595178] [COMM] sec_debug_auto_comment: magic: head: 0xcafecafe (0x91203600) / tail: 0xc0ffee (0x9120d6e4)
- [0: 1.595216] [DCOM] get_backup_rst_stat: (RST: 40000000) / RST BK: 5f900d1f
- [0: 1.595245] [COMM] print_aa_hashtags: base: 0x9120dfa5 (from 0x0xf8ee2300 / 0)
- [0: 1.595315] [COMM] calculate_buf_size_for_pr_auto: remained size af8
- [0: 1.595322] [COMM] calculate_buf_size_for_pr_auto: Summary Size: 401 / last_prio_level: a
- [0: 1.595328] [COMM] store_pr_auto: last_lv5_log_idx: 0 last_log_buf_size: 0
- [0: 1.595332] [COMM] store_pr_auto: map_cnt: 3 last_prio_level: 10
- [0: 1.595353] [DPRM] dprm_erase: base: 11a599 len: 1000
- [0: 1.595806] [SDWB] initialize_storage_write_buf: 8: (4702200++200000) 0xf92fc0c0
- [0: 1.596033] [COMM] retouch_auto_comment: START @f8ee5710
- [0: 1.596104] [COMM] retouch_auto_comment: END
- [0: 1.596633] [SUMM] sec_debug_summary_html_print_kernel: start to make ap info
- [0: 2.166742] [SUMM] sec_debug_summary_html_print_kernel: before KERNEL LOG: 1bedfc
- [0: 2.166751] [SUMM] print_kernel_logs: size for last kmsg : a0000
- [0: 2.618969] [SUMM] sec_debug_summary_html_print_kernel: after KERNEL LOG: 1aedf4
- [0: 2.618983] [SUMM] __print_tasklist: start to loop
- [0: 2.650194] [SUMM] __print_tasklist: tasklist: END (868 tasks, 1614 KB)
- [0: 2.650204] [SUMM] sec_debug_dump_summary: COMPLETE (b741)
- [0: 2.651217] [SDWB] flush_write_buf: LV2: 8: 476e600 ++ 141
- [0: 2.651223] [SDWB] close_storage_write_buf: outbuf is closed
- [0: 2.651227] [DPRT] dprt_add_rdx_dump: summary.html: 4702200(d00804702200)++200000
- [0: 2.651234] [DPRT] dprt_add_rdx_dump: found previous rdx entry: summary.html, 2, update it
- [0: 2.651811] [DHIS] update_debug_hist: index: 4, offset: f400
- [0: 2.652824] [DHIS] fill_auto_comment: write at 0xf600 (0xf92f8010)
- [0: 2.652835] [COMM] retouch_auto_comment: START @f92f8010
- [0: 2.652902] [COMM] retouch_auto_comment: END
- [0: 2.653696] [DHIS] fill_extra_info: write at 0x10600 (0xf92fc0c0)
- [0: 2.655111] [DSOC] fill_third_section_info: not support third section
- [0: 2.655115] [SECD] sec_debug_work: backup sec debug result to DPRM
- [0: 2.655909] [SECD] sec_debug_save_all: store all debug data to DPRM
- [0: 2.655914] [SECD] store_reset_reason_to_param: set param reset_reason as (4, K)
- [0: 2.657532] [COMM] sec_debug_store_auto_comment_to_param: store auto comment
- [0: 2.657752] [SECD] update_cmdline: add cmdline as 4
- [0: 2.657786] [DCOM] get_backup_rst_stat: (RST: 40000000) / RST BK: 5f900d1f
- [0: 2.657808] [IDEC] destroy_tree: free root
- [0: 2.657821] [DHIS] write_debug_history_dump: write readable dumpfile
- [0: 2.657972] [DPRT] erase_dprt_region: region: 201000++100000
- [0: 2.657976] [DPRT] erase_dprt_region: erase dhst_dump all
- [0: 2.657981] [DPRM] dprm_erase: base: f7d90 len: 800
- [0: 2.658066] [SDWB] initialize_storage_write_buf: 8: (201000++100000) 0xf92fc0c0
- [0: 2.658075] [DHIS] write_debug_history_dump: start index: 4
- [0: 2.658380] [DHIS] write_debug_history_dump: idx: 4 offset: f400
- [0: 2.658759] [DHIS] write_debug_history_dump: idx: 3 offset: b800
- [0: 2.659108] [DHIS] write_debug_history_dump: idx: 2 offset: 7c00
- [0: 2.659470] [DHIS] write_debug_history_dump: idx: 1 offset: 4000
- [0: 2.659821] [DHIS] write_debug_history_dump: idx: 0 offset: 400
- [0: 2.660074] [DHIS] write_debug_history_dump: idx: 64 offset: f0400
- [0: 2.660079] [DHIS] write_debug_history_dump: 64: p[0] is NULL, , break
- [0: 2.662335] [SDWB] flush_write_buf: LV2: 8: 206800 ++ 30
- [0: 2.662341] [SDWB] close_storage_write_buf: outbuf is closed
- [0: 2.662344] [DHIS] write_debug_history_dump: total written size: 5830
- [0: 2.662348] [DPRT] dprt_add_rdx_dump: DebugHistory: 201000(d00800201000)++100000
- [0: 2.662354] [DPRT] dprt_add_rdx_dump: found previous rdx entry: DebugHistory, 3, update it
- [0: 2.662967] [DHIS] write_debug_history_dump: done: 5830
- [0: 2.662975] [TMU_TOP_BIG] 46
- [0: 2.662981] [TMU_TOP_LIT] 46
- [0: 2.662985] [DPRT] store_kernel_logbuf: copy whole kmsg
- [0: 2.662989] [DPRM] dprm_erase: base: 11b599 len: 1000
- [0: 2.663518] [DPRT] store_kernel_logbuf: from f0010000 to 4902200 (200000)
- [0: 2.673820] [DPRT] store_kernel_logbuf: done
- [0: 2.673826] [DPRT] store_target_kernel_log: all conditions are not matched, skip
- [0: 2.673830] [SECD] sec_debug_work: --- in the pipe, five by five ---
- [0: 2.676455] PMU PSHOLD control enable
- [0: 2.676457] add_logbuf_for_dss: add dss log to rdx entry
- [0: 2.676461] debug-snapshot kernel physical memory layout:(MAGIC: 0x1234ABCD)
- [0: 2.676623] header : phys:0xf0000000 / size:0x10000
- [0: 2.676633] log_kernel : phys:0xf0010000 / size:0x200000
- [0: 2.676642] log_platform : phys:0xf0210000 / size:0x200000
- [0: 2.676651] log_kevents : phys:0xf1690000 / size:0xa6000
- [0: 2.676660] log_s2d : phys:0xf0610000 / size:0x1000
- [0: 2.676668] log_backtrace : phys:0xf7ffe000 / size:0x2000
- [0: 2.676676] acpm_dram : phys:0x89de40000 / size:0x30800
- [0: 2.676686] acpm_sram : phys:0x90014000 / size:0x30800
- [0: 2.676695] log_cpmem_0 : phys:0x880000000 / size:0x10000000
- [0: 2.676704] log_cpmem_1 : phys:0x890000000 / size:0x5200000
- [0: 2.676714] log_bcm : phys:0xff000000 / size:0x100000
- [0: 2.676723] log_cm_1 : phys:0x8a0a42000 / size:0x1000
- [0: 2.676731] log_harx : phys:0xc1200000 / size:0x200000
- [0: 2.676739] chub_dram : phys:0xdae96000 / size:0x6a000
- [0: 2.676748] log_dramtrain : phys:0x14f30800 / size:0x19000
- [0: 2.676787] add_logbuf: has 0 size, skip it
- [0: 2.676792] add_logbuf: has 0 size, skip it
- [0: 2.676796] add_logbuf: has 0 size, skip it
- [0: 2.676802] add_logbuf: has 0 size, skip it
- [0: 2.676806] add_logbuf: has 0 size, skip it
- [0: 2.676809] add_logbuf: has 0 size, skip it
- [0: 2.676813] add_logbuf: has 0 size, skip it
- [0: 2.676817] add_logbuf: has 0 size, skip it
- [0: 2.676821] add_logbuf: has 0 size, skip it
- [0: 2.676825] add_logbuf_for_dss: done
- [0: 2.676859] show_all_logbuf ------
- [0: 2.676862] auto_comment: 0x9120de00 ~ 0x9120ed3c [O]
- [0: 2.676869] extra_info: 0x9120ef00 ~ 0x9122ef00 [O]
- [0: 2.676875] acpm_dump: 0x90014000 ~ 0x90051000 [O]
- [0: 2.676882] header: 0xf0000000 ~ 0xf0010000 [O]
- [0: 2.676890] kernel: 0xf0010000 ~ 0xf0210000 [O]
- [0: 2.676897] platform: 0xf0210000 ~ 0xf0410000 [O]
- [0: 2.676904] kevents: 0xf1690000 ~ 0xf1736000 [O]
- [0: 2.676912] s2d: 0xf0610000 ~ 0xf0611000 [O]
- [0: 2.676921] backtrace: 0xf7ffe000 ~ 0xf8000000 [O]
- [0: 2.676927] acpm_dram: 0x89de40000 ~ 0x89de70800 [O]
- [0: 2.676934] acpm_sram: 0x90014000 ~ 0x90044800 [O]
- [0: 2.676941] cpmem_0: 0x880000000 ~ 0x890000000 [O]
- [0: 2.676949] cpmem_1: 0x890000000 ~ 0x895200000 [O]
- [0: 2.676956] bcm: 0xff000000 ~ 0xff100000 [O]
- [0: 2.676964] cm_1: 0x8a0a42000 ~ 0x8a0a43000 [O]
- [0: 2.676973] harx: 0xc1200000 ~ 0xc1400000 [O]
- [0: 2.676981] chub_dram: 0xdae96000 ~ 0xdaf00000 [O]
- [0: 2.676988] dramtrain: 0x14f30800 ~ 0x14f49800 [O]
- [0: 2.676995] CPIF-log-mem: 0xf6bff000 ~ 0xf6c7f000 [O]
- [0: 2.677000] @box-abox-mem: 0xf6c7f000 ~ 0xf6cbf000 [O]
- [0: 2.677006] DPU0-log-mem0: 0xf6d44000 ~ 0xf6d64000 [O]
- [0: 2.677011] DPU0-log-mem1: 0xf6d64000 ~ 0xf6d68000 [O]
- [0: 2.677017] DPU0-evt-mem: 0xf6d68000 ~ 0xf6d6c000 [O]
- [0: 2.677023] DPU0-fevt-mem: 0xf6d6c000 ~ 0xf6d6e000 [O]
- [0: 2.677029] DPU1-evt-mem: 0xf6d6e000 ~ 0xf6d72000 [O]
- [0: 2.677034] DPU1-fevt-mem: 0xf6d72000 ~ 0xf6d74000 [O]
- [0: 2.677040] dma-buf-dma-buf: 0xf6d74000 ~ 0xf6d94000 [O]
- [0: 2.677046] UFS-log-mem: 0xf6d94000 ~ 0xf6dd4000 [O]
- [0: 2.677052] IS-ker-mem: 0xf6dd4000 ~ 0xf6e54000 [O]
- [0: 2.677058] IS-bin-mem: 0xf6e54000 ~ 0xf6ed4000 [O]
- [0: 2.677065] IS-0_ITP: 0xf6ed4000 ~ 0xf6ee4000 [O]
- [0: 2.677072] IS-1_DNS: 0xf6ee4000 ~ 0xf6ef4000 [O]
- [0: 2.677079] IS-2_MCSC0: 0xf6ef4000 ~ 0xf6f04000 [O]
- [0: 2.677085] IS-3_CSI0: 0xf6f04000 ~ 0xf6f05000 [O]
- [0: 2.677092] IS-4_PHY0: 0xf6f05000 ~ 0xf6f15000 [O]
- [0: 2.677099] IS-5_CSI3: 0xf6f15000 ~ 0xf6f16000 [O]
- [0: 2.677107] IS-6_CSI1: 0xf6f16000 ~ 0xf6f17000 [O]
- [0: 2.677115] IS-7_CSI4: 0xf6f17000 ~ 0xf6f18000 [O]
- [0: 2.677123] IS-8_CSI2: 0xf6f18000 ~ 0xf6f19000 [O]
- [0: 2.677130] IS-9_PDP0: 0xf6f19000 ~ 0xf6f29000 [O]
- [0: 2.677137] IS-10_PDP1: 0xf6f29000 ~ 0xf6f39000 [O]
- [0: 2.677143] IS-11_PDP2: 0xf6f39000 ~ 0xf6f49000 [O]
- [0: 2.677150] MFC-log-mem: 0xf6f49000 ~ 0xf6f89000 [O]
- [0: 2.677156] MFC-sfr-dmp0: 0xf6f89000 ~ 0xf6f8a000 [O]
- [0: 2.677163] CHB-log-mem: 0xf6f8a000 ~ 0xf6fca000 [O]
- [0: 2.677170] CHB-srm-dmp: 0xf6fca000 ~ 0xf7032000 [O]
- [0: 2.677177] NPU_DRV1-npu-me: 0xf7032000 ~ 0xf70b2000 [O]
- [0: 2.677183] NPU_DRV4-npu-du: 0xf70b2000 ~ 0xf70f2000 [O]
- [0: 2.677188] NPU_DRV3-dv-arr: 0xf70f2000 ~ 0xf70f5000 [O]
- [0: 2.677193] NPU_DRV3-sch-ar: 0xf70f5000 ~ 0xf70f8000 [O]
- [0: 2.677198] NPU_DRV3-pro-ar: 0xf70f8000 ~ 0xf70fb000 [O]
- [0: 2.677203] NPU_DRV3-io-arr: 0xf70fb000 ~ 0xf70fd000 [O]
- [0: 2.677208] NPU_DRV3-ip-arr: 0xf70fd000 ~ 0xf7100000 [O]
- [0: 2.677213] NPU_DRV2-vis-me: 0xf7100000 ~ 0xf7110000 [O]
- [0: 2.677218] WB_LOG-drm-mem: 0xf7110000 ~ 0xf7910000 [O]
- [0: 2.677223] WB_LOG-str-mem: 0xf7910000 ~ 0xf7910100 [O]
- [0: 2.677228] WB_LOG-ker_mem: 0xf7911000 ~ 0xf7951000 [O]
- [0: 2.677234] WB_LOG-ker_mem2: 0xf7951000 ~ 0xf7953000 [O]
- [0: 2.677238] tsp: 0x91400000 ~ 0x91440000 [X]
- [0: 2.677247] disp: 0x91440100 ~ 0x91540100 [X]
- [0: 2.677255] avc: 0x91540200 ~ 0x91580200 [X]
- [0: 2.677263] el2: 0xc1500000 ~ 0xc1540000 [O]
- [0: 2.677272] kaslr: 0x8ffff000 ~ 0x90000000 [O]
- [0: 2.677280] log_harx: 0xc1200000 ~ 0xc1400000 [O]
- [0: 2.677287] log_dramtrain: 0x14f30800 ~ 0x14f49800 [O]
- [0: 2.677293] teegris: 0xed310000 ~ 0xed312000 [O]
- [0: 2.677300] aud: 0x917dc800 ~ 0x917de800 [O]
- [0: 2.677309] end ---------
- [0: 2.682944] panel_get_panel_index_by_gpio_match:PANEL:[0]GPIO:[0][FLAG:LOW ][GPIO:LOW ]
- [0: 2.683959] panel_get_panel_index_by_gpio_match:PANEL:[0]GPIO:[1][FLAG:LOW ][GPIO:HIGH]
- [0: 2.684972] panel_get_panel_index_by_gpio_match:PANEL:[1]GPIO:[0][FLAG:LOW ][GPIO:LOW ]
- [0: 2.685987] panel_get_panel_index_by_gpio_match:PANEL:[1]GPIO:[1][FLAG:HIGH][GPIO:HIGH]
- [0: 2.687002] panel_get_panel_index_by_gpio_match:PANEL:[1]GPIO:[2][FLAG:LOW ][GPIO:LOW ]
- [0: 2.687013] panel_get_panel_index_by_gpio_match: found proper panel by LCD_ID_GPIO (1)
- [0: 2.687019] using data lane count(4)
- [0: 2.692079] dsim_check_panel_connect: UB_CON_CONNECTED
- [0: 2.746840] set_gpio_lcd_reset: M33X_01_NT36672C
- [0: 2.771946] DSIM_INTSRC = 0x00140000
- [0: 2.771980] DSIM_INTSRC = 0x02140000
- [0: 2.772015] DSIM_INTSRC = 0x02140000
- [0: 2.772021] cm_read_id panel id: 0x4b7240
- [0: 2.772027] dsim_probe panel conf is changed. reset dsim
- [0: 2.772031] panel_exit +
- [0: 2.836532] dsim disable
- [0: 2.836536] using data lane count(4)
- [0: 2.891280] set_gpio_lcd_reset: M33X_01_NT36672C
- [0: 2.916342] lcd info: 1080x2408@120f 1125Mbps Video mode (DSC enabled)
- [0: 2.916352] dsim_probe LPDT ON.
- [0: 2.916357] panel_probe with panel name nt36672c_m33x_01_temporary
- [0: 3.022068] dsim_check_panel_disp_det: DISP_DET_NOT_SUPPORTED
- [0: 3.022096] dsim0 driver(video mode) has been probed.
- [0: 3.022102] dpp_probe
- [0: 3.022106] dpp-0's attr is (0x00050004)
- [0: 3.022111] dpp(0) init resources.
- [0: 3.022127] dpp0 is probed successfully
- [0: 3.022132] decon-int: max win8, video mode, hw trigger
- [0: 3.022138] single dsi mode
- [0: 3.022149] decon_reg_get_data_path_cfg(#0) Invalid COMP_OUTIF_PATH set in DATA_PATH_CON reg
- [0: 3.022161] Display 1st window(0) xres(1080) yres(2408) win_start_pos(0) win_end_pos(9670437)
- [0: 3.039191] panel_display_on +
- [0: 3.088646] decon0 registered successfully
- [0: 3.088650] lcd_type : 0x4b7240
- [0: 3.088653] check sbl_shell mode
- [0: 3.088767] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 3.088817] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 3.089137] is_normal_booting: MINFORM: 4e4e0000
- [0: 3.089144] is_normal_booting: intentional normal booting
- [0: 3.089148] sbl_check_download: 0
- [0: 3.089234] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 3.089270] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 3.089553] sbl_check_upload: Upload Disable (0)
- [0: 3.089559] sbl_check_upload: KP
- [0: 3.089650] clear_s2d
- [0: 3.089661] Clear S2D data.
- [0: 3.089679] ifconn_get_jig_status: PDIC Mode
- [0: 3.089685] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: read RID start!
- [0: 3.089798] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: RID = 7
- [0: 3.089803] (RID_OPEN)
- [0: 3.089805] ifconn_is_pdic_jig_device: rid=07
- [0: 3.089918] ifconn_get_charger_status:
- [0: 3.090029] sm5714_get_vbvolt: vbvolt: 0x01
- [0: 3.090033] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: read RID start!
- [0: 3.090146] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: RID = 7
- [0: 3.090150] (RID_OPEN)
- [0: 3.090152] pdic_is_valid_charger: default ID + VB
- [0: 3.090156] ifconn_get_charger_status: valid_charger=1
- [0: 3.090162] is_normal_booting: MINFORM: 4e4e0000
- [0: 3.090168] is_normal_booting: intentional normal booting
- [0: 3.090172] check_pm_status: normal reset, do not enter the LPM mode.
- [0: 3.090403] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x4727
- [0: 3.090408] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_vcell: vbat sram read result 0x4727
- [0: 3.090412] ifconn_get_jig_status: PDIC Mode
- [0: 3.090416] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: read RID start!
- [0: 3.090529] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: RID = 7
- [0: 3.090533] (RID_OPEN)
- [0: 3.090535] ifconn_is_pdic_jig_device: rid=07
- [0: 3.090766] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x4727
- [0: 3.090771] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_vcell: vbat result 0x4727:(4371)
- [0: 3.090851] get_key_status: KEY NUM(256), VALUE(0)
- [0: 3.090859] drawimg: type: 17
- [0: 3.092220] read 'letter.jpg'(42328) completed.
- [0: 3.179000] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x4727
- [0: 3.179009] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_vcell: vbat sram read result 0x4727
- [0: 3.179013] ifconn_get_jig_status: PDIC Mode
- [0: 3.179018] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: read RID start!
- [0: 3.179132] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: RID = 7
- [0: 3.179136] (RID_OPEN)
- [0: 3.179139] ifconn_is_pdic_jig_device: rid=07
- [0: 3.179371] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x4727
- [0: 3.179376] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_vcell: vbat result 0x4727:(4371)
- [0: 3.179607] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x6264
- [0: 3.179613] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_soc: soc result 0x6264:(98.3)
- [0: 3.188638] __set_power_margin: not supported
- [0: 3.188643] vibrator_on
- [0: 3.188647] init_dc_vib
- [0: 3.288932] s2mpu13_set_smpl: enable
- [0: 3.289082] [MEM_NODE] Initialized memory nodes 3
- [0: 3.289086] 0x00080000000...0x00100000000
- [0: 3.289093] 0x00880000000...0x00900000000
- [0: 3.289100] 0x00900000000...0x00980000000
- [0: 3.289108] starting app sbl_boot
- [0: 3.289130] RST_STAT: 0x40000000
- [0: 3.297351] [H-Arx] Loading done
- [0: 3.340372] [H-Arx] Complete to initialization
- [0: 3.340389] [H-ARX] EL2 crash buffer and FP is delivered successfully
- [0: 3.340394]
- [0: 3.340396] [H-Arx] version ID [Id754406]
- [0: 3.340400]
- [0: 3.344491] [H-Arx Plug-in] UH plug-in loading done
- [0: 3.344495] uh size : 39730
- [0: 3.344499] uh header size : 1000
- [0: 3.344503] new plugin_entry : c1401000, new plugin_size : 3aa40
- [0: 3.344508] [H-Arx Plug-in] plugin_addr: c1400000 size: 3aa40, entry: c1401000
- [0: 3.352062] [H-Arx Plug-in] UH plug-in registration done
- [0: 3.352078] load_boot_images: loading boot image from 248960..
- [0: 3.548287] page size: 0x00001000
- [0: 3.548292] kernel size: 0x0207aa00
- [0: 3.548296] ramdisk size: 0x005ebfcf
- [0: 3.548301] vendor ramdisk size: 0x00d09245
- [0: 3.548306] [TIMA trusted boot]: SEAndroid MAGIC failure (boot.img)
- [0: 3.548310] [CM] erase public_key: start
- [0: 3.548318] [CM] erase public_key: success
- [0: 3.577004] check_ramdisk: PLATFORM ramdisk check true
- [0: 3.588525] Load Default Ramdisk From: 0xAC001000 To: 0x85100000 size: 0x00D09245
- [0: 3.608495] Load ramdisk From: 0xA607C000 To: 0x85E09245 size: 0x005EBFCF
- [0: 3.608509] print_wb_snapshot
- [0: 3.608513] 000000 : 53 69 67 6E 65 72 56 65 72 30 33 00 00 00 00 00 |SignerVer03.....|
- [0: 3.608540] 000010 : 36 35 38 32 36 33 36 39 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |65826369R.......|
- [0: 3.608565] 000020 : 47 39 38 30 46 58 58 55 48 48 57 45 44 00 00 00 |G980FXXUHHWED...|
- [0: 3.608587] 000030 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
- [0: 3.608614] 000040 : 32 30 32 33 30 35 32 36 31 31 35 31 31 35 00 00 |20230526115115..|
- [0: 3.608639] 000050 : 53 4D 2D 47 39 38 30 46 5F 45 55 52 5F 58 58 5F |SM-G980F_EUR_XX_|
- [0: 3.608663] 000060 : 45 4B 45 59 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |EKEY0...........|
- [0: 3.608691] 000070 : 53 52 50 53 4A 32 38 42 30 31 37 00 00 00 00 00 |SRPSJ28B017.....|
- [0: 3.608714] 000080 : 53 52 50 53 4A 32 38 42 30 31 37 00 00 00 00 00 |SRPSJ28B017.....|
- [0: 3.608739] 000090 : 75 73 72 00 66 72 70 00 6D 72 6B 00 76 62 6D 65 |usr.frp.mrk.vbme|
- [0: 3.608762] 0000A0 : 74 61 2E 69 6D 67 00 00 00 00 00 00 36 35 38 32 |ta.img......6582|
- [0: 3.608786] 0000B0 : 36 34 30 36 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 36 35 38 32 |6406R.......6582|
- [0: 3.608810] 0000C0 : 36 34 30 37 52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |6407R...........|
- [0: 3.608835] 0000D0 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
- [0: 3.608863] 0000E0 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
- [0: 3.608890] 0000F0 : 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................|
- [0: 3.608917]
- [0: 3.608920] Send info to CP secure table 21
- [0: 3.609370] set_tzpc_secureport_fps: TEEGRIS - successfully protected in Fingerprint 0x00000007
- [0: 3.609585] [UFDT] Little Find DTB Entry[0]: Rev:(S:0, E:255, X:0, D:3)
- [0: 3.609794] [UFDT] FINDING DTBO ENTRY
- [0: 3.627188] [UFDT] Little Find DTBO Entry[2]: Rev:(S:2, E:32, X:0, D:3)
- [0: 3.674925] [UFDT] DT Overlay Complete!
- [0: 3.722152] DPM: Merge Complete (size415976)!
- [0: 3.722162] avbops functions are set successfully
- [0: 3.722176] avb_slot_verify.c:813: DEBUG: Loading vbmeta struct from partition 'vbmeta'.
- avb_vbmeta_image.c:207: ERROR: Hash does not match!
- avb_slot_verify.c:876: ERROR: vbmeta: Error verifying vbmeta image: HASH_MISMATCH
- avb_slot_verify.c:1068: DEBUG: vbmeta: VERIFICATION_DISABLED bit is set.
- avb_slot_verify.c:628: DEBUG: bootloader: Loading entire partition.
- Ignore BL2_ORG ~ BL2 area
- [0: 3.748983] Ignore DEBUG_UNLOCK_SJTAG area
- [0: 3.749026] avb_slot_verify.c:628: DEBUG: ldfw: Loading entire partition.
- avb_slot_verify.c:628: DEBUG: tzsw: Loading entire partition.
- avb_slot_verify.c:628: DEBUG: keystorage: Loading entire partition.
- avb_slot_verify.c:628: DEBUG: fld: Loading entire partition.
- avb_slot_verify.c:628: DEBUG: harx: Loading entire partition.
- avb_slot_verify.c:628: DEBUG: dtbo: Loading entire partition.
- avb_slot_verify.c:628: DEBUG: boot: Loading entire partition.
- avb_slot_verify.c:628: DEBUG: vendor_boot: Loading entire partition.
- avb_slot_verify.c:1532: DEBUG: No system partition.
- avb_main : Check Samsung Secure Info
- [0: 3.800020] GetSignerVer : SignerVer03
- [0: 3.800026] Verify_Signature_Ecdsa 0x880010000 9936, 0x8800124c0 512
- [0: 3.822163] Verify_Signature_Ecdsa: failed.(FDAA3611)
- [0: 3.822170] check_signature (VBMETA) invalid.
- [0: 3.822176] set_ddi_kernel_type : VBMETA, 0x200
- [0: 3.822182] No need to update kernel type.
- [0: 3.822186] make_security_decisions : (VBMETA)
- [0: 3.822304] [CC MODE] Failed. Invalid Magic
- [0: 3.822364] save_wb_snapshot: already saved
- [0: 3.822368] [EFUSE] warranty bit is already set.
- [0: 3.822413] avb_footer.c:41: ERROR: Footer magic is incorrect.
- check_samsung_secure_info : Error validating footer (dtbo)
- [0: 3.839800] footer is abnormal: 6
- [0: 3.839807] update_image_status_auth: Status for DTBO image is already custom
- [0: 3.839812] set_ddi_kernel_type : DTBO, 0x20
- [0: 3.839817] No need to update kernel type.
- [0: 3.839820] make_security_decisions : (DTBO)
- [0: 3.839872] [CC MODE] Failed. Invalid Magic
- [0: 3.839910] save_wb_snapshot: already saved
- [0: 3.839913] [EFUSE] warranty bit is already set.
- [0: 3.918661] Verify_Signature_Ecdsa 0x880010000 40271872, 0x882677df0 512
- [0: 3.994245] Verify_Signature_Ecdsa: failed.(FDAA0001)
- [0: 3.994249] check_signature (BOOT) invalid.
- [0: 3.994253] update_image_status_auth: Status for BOOT image is already custom
- [0: 3.994258] set_ddi_kernel_type : BOOT, 0x2
- [0: 3.994263] No need to update kernel type.
- [0: 3.994266] make_security_decisions : (BOOT)
- [0: 3.994318] [CC MODE] Failed. Invalid Magic
- [0: 3.994357] save_wb_snapshot: already saved
- [0: 3.994360] [EFUSE] warranty bit is already set.
- [0: 3.994401] avb_footer.c:41: ERROR: Footer magic is incorrect.
- check_samsung_secure_info : Error validating footer (vendor_boot)
- [0: 4.060023] footer is abnormal: 6
- [0: 4.060027] update_image_status_auth: Status for VENDOR_BOOT image is already custom
- [0: 4.060032] set_ddi_kernel_type : VENDOR_BOOT, 0x80
- [0: 4.060037] No need to update kernel type.
- [0: 4.060040] make_security_decisions : (VENDOR_BOOT)
- [0: 4.060091] [CC MODE] Failed. Invalid Magic
- [0: 4.060126] save_wb_snapshot: already saved
- [0: 4.060130] [EFUSE] warranty bit is already set.
- [0: 4.060133] avb_main : vbmeta type : 3
- [0: 4.060138] get_sign_info: (VBMETA)
- [0: 4.060321] GetSignerVer : SignerVer03
- [0: 4.060330] [AVB 2.0 ERR] authentication fail [ret: 0x3] (orange)
- drawimg: type: 13
- [0: 4.062917] read 'svb_orange.jpg'(131440) completed.
- [0: 6.239635] s2mpu13_check_current_key: val: 0x15 key(0): pressing
- [0: 6.239646] drawimg: type: 0
- [0: 6.241097] read 'logo.jpg'(63267) completed.
- [0: 6.327101] drawimg: type: 14
- [0: 6.328114] read 'booting_warning.jpg'(80893) completed.
- [0: 6.353152] [AVB] os_patch_level parsing fail
- [0: 6.353159] [AVB] vendor_patch_level parsing fail
- [0: 6.353162] [AVB] boot_patch_level parsing fail
- [0: 6.353165] [CM] set publick_key: start
- [0: 6.353199] [CM] set public_key: success
- [0: 6.353203] [CM] set os_version & os_patch_level: start
- [0: 6.353210] [CM] set os_version & os_patch_level: success
- [0: 6.353213] [CM] set vendor & boot patch level: start
- [0: 6.353219] [CM] set vendor & boot patch level: success
- [0: 6.353222] [CM] set device_state: start
- [0: 6.353227] [CM] set device_state: success
- [0: 6.353230] [CM] set boot_state: start
- [0: 6.353235] [CM] set boot_state: success
- [0: 6.353238] [CM] set verified_boot_hash: start
- [0: 6.353245] [CM] set verified_boot_hash: success
- [0: 6.353248] [CM] block verified boot commands: start
- [0: 6.353254] [CM] block verified boot commands: success
- [0: 6.353257] AVB: iccc_os_version: (0)
- [0: 6.353263] AVB: os_version: 0x30000
- [0: 6.353266] AVB: os_patch_level: 0x0
- [0: 6.353270] AVB: vendor_patch_level: 0x0
- [0: 6.353274] AVB: boot_patch_level: 0x0
- [0: 6.353278] i: 1
- [0: 6.353282] cmdline:
- [0: 6.353286] avb_cmdline : androidboot.verifiedbootstate=orange 0
- [0: 6.353505] secure smc success!!! (0xf9103230)
- [0: 6.353513] DDI value :0x000003f3
- [0: 6.353518] blk_set_boot_wp(1):boot mode = 1,
- [0: 6.353680] SCSI swp check : 0x0
- [0: 6.357444] UFS LU1 SWP set success
- [0: 6.357469] SCSI swp check : 0x0
- [0: 6.357676] UFS LU2 SWP set success
- [0: 6.357701] SCSI swp check : 0x0
- [0: 6.357910] UFS LU3 SWP set success
- [0: 6.357935] SCSI swp check : 0x0
- [0: 6.361714] UFS LU4 SWP set success
- [0: 6.361719] set_blwp_userpartition : BOOTLOADER partition
- [0: 6.361725] [UFS]Set FMP : start = 10240, end = 12287
- [0: 6.361790] set_wp_via_smu : entry = 3, ret = 0x0
- [0: 6.364485] load cp header successful
- [0: 6.364598] [H-Arx] Set S2MPU blacklist done
- [0: 6.364602] [UFDT] FINDING EDTBO ENTRY
- [0: 6.364606] read_edtbo : edtbo doesn't exist.
- [0: 6.364609] [UFDT] There is no EDTBO. Keep going to boot with the original dt
- [0: 6.364620] SEC_DRAM_BASE[0xb8000000]
- [0: 6.364624] SEC_DRAM_SIZE[0x8000000]
- [0: 6.364639] SEC_PGTBL_BASE[0xe0000000]
- [0: 6.364643] SEC_PGTBL_SIZE[0x600000]
- [0: 6.364649] HARX_BASE[0xc0000000]
- [0: 6.364653] HARX_SIZE[0x1400000]
- [0: 6.364659] [MEM_NODE] System Memory Nodes
- [0: 6.364661] Memory: 5 blocks
- [0: 6.364665] 0x00080000000...0x000b8000000
- [0: 6.364673] 0x000c1400000...0x000e0000000
- [0: 6.364681] 0x000e0600000...0x00100000000
- [0: 6.364689] 0x00880000000...0x00900000000
- [0: 6.364696] 0x00900000000...0x00980000000
- [0: 6.364702] Carved out: 3 blocks
- [0: 6.364706] 0x000b8000000...0x000c0000000 (Secure DRAM)
- [0: 6.364715] 0x000e0000000...0x000e0600000 (Secure PGTBL)
- [0: 6.364723] 0x000c0000000...0x000c1400000 (H-ARX)
- [0: 6.407424] [MEM_NODE] Initialized 5 memory nodes in the device tree!
- [0: 6.411456] init_cmdline: default: console=ram loglevel=7
- [0: 6.412176] S2MPU13 GP-ADC GPADC_EN: clear
- [0: 6.412436] set_minform_magic: before: 4e4e0000 (type: 3, magic: 0)
- [0: 6.412445] set_minform_magic: after: 4e4e0000
- [0: 6.412451] set_minform_magic: before: 4e4e0000 (type: 2, magic: 0)
- [0: 6.412459] set_minform_magic: after: 4e4e0000
- [0: 6.412465] set_minform_magic: before: 4e4e0000 (type: 0, magic: 4e)
- [0: 6.412472] set_minform_magic: after: 4e4e0000
- [0: 6.412487] check_rustproof [1,0] Off
- [0: 6.412499] check_pdic_info: [1] PDIC
- [0: 6.412600] ucs flag is Unknown
- [0: 6.412603] ucs flag : 00 00 00 00
- [0: 6.412650] [DCOM] sec_debug_rooting_info: ddi set and warranty unset
- [0: 6.412756] get_kg_state_index : Broken, 6
- [0: 6.412905] [HDM] hdm_blk_offset : 0
- [0: 6.412910] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 6.412958] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 6.413167] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 6.413201] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 6.413318] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 6.413352] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 6.413470] Current RPMB version : 0x0
- [0: 6.413532] [COMM] retouch_auto_comment: START @9120de00
- [0: 6.413599] [COMM] retouch_auto_comment: END
- [0: 6.413602] [SECD] remove_sec_debug_magic: remove some magics
- [0: 6.413606] [SECD] set_dinf_magic: write dinf : 25b7ce71
- [0: 6.413611] get_cmdline_buffer: last Index: 4a6|1000
- [0: 6.417773] load_bootconfig: vb_hedr->bootconfig_size = 28
- [0: 6.448285] Change PSCI method to HVC
- [0: 6.448291]
- [0: 6.448305] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 6.448355] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 6.448727] challenge_size is 0 0
- [0: 6.448800] [CC MODE] Failed. Invalid Magic
- [0: 6.448871] afw flag is Unknown [afw flag : 00 00 00 00]
- [0: 6.448880] convert_WB_reason_to_char : 0xe03 -> 'F'
- [0: 6.448886] ================ ICCC INFO ================
- [0: 6.448889] [ICCC] rp_ver = 0x3
- [0: 6.448892] [ICCC] kernel_rp = 0x3
- [0: 6.448895] [ICCC] system_rp = 0x3
- [0: 6.448898] [ICCC] test_bit = 0x0
- [0: 6.448901] [ICCC] sec_boot = 0x1
- [0: 6.448905] [ICCC] react_lock = 0xffffffff
- [0: 6.448908] [ICCC] kiwi_lock = 0xffffffff
- [0: 6.448911] [ICCC] frp_lock = 0x0
- [0: 6.448915] [ICCC] cc_mode = 0x0
- [0: 6.448918] [ICCC] mdm_mode = 0x0
- [0: 6.448921] [ICCC] sysscope_flag = 0xffffffff
- [0: 6.448924] [ICCC] afw_value = 0xffffffff
- [0: 6.448927] [ICCC] image_status_bl = 0x2
- [0: 6.448931] [ICCC] WbHistory = 'F'
- [0: 6.448934] [ICCC] ap_serial
- [0: 6.448936] [ICCC] em_status = 0x0
- [0: 6.448940] [ICCC] em_token = 0x0
- [0: 6.448943] [ICCC] image_status[i] = 0x3 0x2 0x2 0x2 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x2 0x2 0x3 0x3 0x0
- [0: 6.448958] [ICCC] curr_bin_status = 0x1
- [0: 6.448962] [ICCC] warranty_bit = 0x1
- [0: 6.448965] [ICCC] kap_status = 0xffffffff
- [0: 6.448968] [ICCC] dmv_status = 0xffffffff
- [0: 6.448972] [ICCC] verified_boot_state : 2
- [0: 6.448975] [ICCC] device_locked : 0
- [0: 6.448978] [ICCC] os_version : 0x30000 (12.0.0)
- [0: 6.448983] [ICCC] os_patch_level : 0xffff8300 (0.268433456)
- [0: 6.448988] [ICCC] verified_boot_key
- [0: 6.448991] 0x00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................
- [0: 6.449036] 0x00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................
- [0: 6.449079] [ICCC] boot_patch_level = 0xffff8300
- [0: 6.449083] [ICCC] vendor_patch_level = 0xffff8300
- [0: 6.449086] [ICCC] verified_boot_hash
- [0: 6.449089] 0x00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................
- [0: 6.449134] 0x00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |................
- [0: 6.449178] ===========================================
- [0: 6.449181] secure info base: 0xf94f9e80, SMC Num: 0xb2000202, sizeof(smc_secure_info_t): 256
- [0: 6.449789] secure smc success!!!
- [0: 6.449793] svb_result: 0x1 and SMC Num = 0xb2000202
- [0: 6.449871] iccc_save_SVB_result : secure smc success!!!
- [0: 6.449942] iccc_data_lock : secure smc success!!!
- [0: 6.450044] [HDM] hdm_blk_offset : 0
- [0: 6.450048] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 6.450088] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 6.450217] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 6.450252] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 6.450370] [CM] get random number: start
- [0: 6.450405] [CM] get random number: success
- [0: 6.450519] Current RPMB version : 0x0
- [0: 6.450524] [HDM] HDM_hyp_init
- [0: 6.450528] [HDM] allow all permissions
- [0: 6.450530] HDM_process: ret = 37
- [0: 6.450690] [TEEGRIS] disable handler execution, ret = 0x0
- [0: 6.450700] RPMB: key blocking: success
- [0: 6.450705] RPMB: hmac blocking: success
- [0: 6.450708] [OTP] OTP_SW_BLOCK enable start
- [0: 6.450715] [OTP] OTP_SW_BLOCK enable success
- [0: 6.450721] [DPRM] prepare_for_booting: initialize debug param elements
- [0: 6.450725] [DPRM] prepare_for_booting: reset reason(0), debug flag(1), final kmsg(0x55), dprm once(NULL)
- [0: 6.456728] [DPRM] erase_debug_param: TYPE: 2 / BLKLEN: 800
- [0: 6.456734] [DPRM] dprm_erase: base: 19000 len: 800
- [0: 6.457029] [DPRT] erase_dprt_region: region: 6502600++500000
- [0: 6.457034] [DPRT] erase_dprt_region: erase printk all
- [0: 6.457038] [DPRM] dprm_erase: base: 12959b len: 2800
- [0: 6.459905] [DPRT] store_kernel_logbuf: copy whole kmsg
- [0: 6.459909] [DPRM] dprm_erase: base: 11b599 len: 1000
- [0: 6.460511] [DPRT] store_kernel_logbuf: from f0010000 to 4902200 (200000)
- [0: 6.470791] [DPRT] store_kernel_logbuf: done
- [0: 6.470796] [DPRT] store_target_kernel_log: all conditions are not matched, skip
- [0: 6.472979] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x470b
- [0: 6.472985] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_vcell: vbat sram read result 0x470b
- [0: 6.472989] ifconn_get_jig_status: PDIC Mode
- [0: 6.472994] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: read RID start!
- [0: 6.473108] pdic_sm5714_read_adc: RID = 7
- [0: 6.473112] (RID_OPEN)
- [0: 6.473115] ifconn_is_pdic_jig_device: rid=07
- [0: 6.473345] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x470b
- [0: 6.473351] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_vcell: vbat result 0x470b:(4368)
- [0: 6.473583] ReadFGRegisterWord: SM5714 FG REG[8d]:0x6264
- [0: 6.473588] sm5714_fuel_gauge_read_soc: soc result 0x6264:(98.3)
- [0: 6.474845] [DPRT] erase_dprt_region: region: 80e00++7fe00
- [0: 6.474850] [DPRT] erase_dprt_region: erase bore_dump all
- [0: 6.474853] [DPRM] dprm_erase: base: f718f len: 3ff
- [0: 6.476695] [SDWB] initialize_storage_write_buf: 8: (80e00++7fe00) 0xf9103230
- [0: 6.544756] [BRST] make_boot_reset_dump: f9103230 ++ 1a65
- [0: 6.546399] [W] 8: 0xf9103230 -> 90c00++1a00 w: 0xf9103230 -> 90c00(486)++1a00 -> OK
- [0: 6.546785] [W] 8: 0xf9103230 -> 92600++65 w: 0xf9103230 -> 92600(493)++0 mablk: size mw: 92600(493)++65 -> 0xf9103230 copy_size: 65 -> OK
- [0: 6.546788] [SDWB] flush_write_buf: LV2: 8: 92600 ++ 65
- [0: 6.546795] [SDWB] close_storage_write_buf: outbuf is closed
- [0: 6.546799] [BRST] make_boot_reset_dump: total written size: 11865
- [0: 6.546804] [DPRT] dprt_add_rdx_dump: BootReset: 80e00(d00800080e00)++7fe00
- [0: 6.546811] [DPRT] dprt_add_rdx_dump: found previous rdx entry: BootReset, 1, update it
- [0: 6.547387] [W] 2: 0xf8ee8f30 -> 8000++298 w: 0xf8ee8f30 -> 8000(40)++200 mablk: size mw: 8200(41)++98 -> 0xf8ee9130 copy_size: 98 -> OK
- [0: 6.547391] drawimg: type: 0
- [0: 6.548805] read 'logo.jpg'(63267) completed.
- [0: 6.636214] scsi_do_ssu
- [0: 6.683249] [Watchdog] watchdog cl0 start, count = b9f76c, timeout = 60
- [0: 6.683349] [Watchdog] timeout=60, divisor=186, count=12187500 (0000fff5)
- [0: 6.683487] [Watchdog] PMU setting complete - disable
- [0: 6.683561] [Watchdog] Watchdog cluster 0 stop done, WTCON = 1b918
- [0: 6.683651] [Watchdog] PMU setting complete - enable
- [0: 6.683726] [Watchdog] Watchdog cluster 0 start, WTCON = 1b939
- [0: 6.683809] kernel_watchdog_start: Start Watchdog 60 sec...
- [0: 6.683887] UPLOAD_MODE_VALUE 0, Set S2D LOW, DUMP_DIS
- [0: 6.683960] Starting kernel...
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