var irc = require('irc'); var fs = require('fs'); var https = require('https'); var xml2js = require('xml2js'); var fs = require('fs'); var config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('config.json', 'utf8')); var hopmPattern = /^(?:(CHECK) -> )?OPEN PROXY(?: -> [^ ]+)? ([0-9a-fA-F.:]+):([0-9]{2,5}) \(([^)]+)\) \[([^\]]+)\]$/; function timeConverter(UNIX_timestamp){ var a = new Date(UNIX_timestamp * 1000); var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']; var year = a.getFullYear(); var month = months[a.getMonth()]; var date = a.getDate(); var hour = a.getHours(); var min = a.getMinutes(); var sec = a.getSeconds(); var time = date + ' ' + (month<10?'0':'') + month + ' ' + year + ' ' + hour + ':' + (min<10?'0':'') + min + ':' (sec<10?'0':'') + sec ; return time; } var listeners = { 'registered': [ function handler(message){ bot.send("OPER", config.operLogin, config.operPassword); bot.send("MODE", bot.nick, "+B"); bot.send("JOIN", "0"); bot.join(, function(message){}); } ], 'ctcp-version': [ function handler(from, to, message){ bot.ctcp(from, "notice", "VERSION PIRCbot/nodejs/irc (k4be) v0.02"); } ], 'error': [ function handler(message){ console.log('error: ', message); } ], 'message': [ function handler(nick, to, text, message){ if(to != return; // only channel messages if(config.hopmNicks.indexOf(nick) !== -1){ var match = hopmPattern.exec(text); if(match){ switch(match[4]){ case 'HTTP': case 'HTTPPOST': var type = 9; break; case 'SOCKS4': case 'SOCKS5': var type = 8; break; default: var type = 6; bot.say(, "DRONEBL: type "+match[4]+" is unknown to me! Reported as 6"); break; } dronebl_report(match[2], type, false, match[3]); //bot.say(, "DRONEBL: reported ip "+match[2]); } } else if(config.operNicks.indexOf(nick) !== -1 && text.indexOf(bot.nick) == 0){ var commandstr = text.substr(text.indexOf(' ')+1); if(!commandstr) return; command = commandstr.split(' '); switch(command[0]){ default: case "help": bot.notice(nick, "Available commands: 'help', 'listtypes', 'report [ip] [type] [comment] [port]' (comment or port=false for none), 'check [ip]', 'remove [id]' (id obtained with check)"); break; case "listtypes": if(!dronebl.types){ bot.notice(nick, "Type data not available"); break; } for(var i=0; i < dronebl.types.length; i++){ bot.notice(nick, "Type "+dronebl.types[i].type+": "+dronebl.types[i].name); } break; case "check": if(command.length != 2){ bot.notice(nick, "Usage: check [ip]"); break; } dronebl.check(command[1]); break; case "report": if(command.length < 3 || command.length > 5){ bot.notice(nick, "Usage: report [ip] [type] [comment] [port]' (comment or port=false for none)"); break; } switch(command.length){ case 3:[1], command[2]); break; case 4:[1], command[2], command[3]); break; case 5:[1], command[2], command[3], command[4]); break; } break; case "remove": if(command.length != 2){ bot.notice(nick, "Usage: remove [id]"); break; } dronebl.remove(command[1]); break; } } } ] }; var dronebl = { 'types': false, 'getTypes': function(){ var xml = ''; dronebl.access(xml, function(err, result){ if(result.response.typelist === undefined){ console.log('WARNING: empty typelist!'); // why would they send an empty list? } else { dronebl.types = []; for(var i=0; i'; dronebl.access(post_data, function(err, result){ try { if(err) throw err; if(result.response.warning !== undefined){ for(var i=0; i'; dronebl.access(post_data, function(err, result){ try { if(err) throw err; if(result.response.result === undefined){ bot.say(, "No entries"); } else { for(var i=0; i